Friday, July 4, 2014

Rob Kardashian Has A Son?!?

"Happy I got my son with me for the 4th tomorrow!!" the tweet read. "Can't wait to watch fireworks with my little man! Hope everyone is safe!"- tweeted Rob Kardashian yesterday. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?

 Turns out it was only a prank :( Fans were confused and went mad posting in the comments, but just a few hours later, Rob revealed it to be a prank...
 But, it's not the first time Rob has been thought to have a son! 

 A teddy bear was once seen on his bed and he claimed that it was for his son.
Other tweets he has posted before have also hinted he could have a son.
But whenever the possibility of Rob having a son comes up, his mother Kris quickly changes the subject- could it be that if people knew that Rob was a father she is scared it would ruin the Kardashian name? 
A while back it was also thought that Rob was moving to Florida, to be near his son...

Well, my verdict on this is that if Rob does indeed have a son, its perhaps a good idea that the little one is kept out of the KUWTK limelight!